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Our Co-Editor in Chief Mimi sat down with the newly elected Student Body President, Matthew Story, to discuss the upcoming school year.

The past Student Body President election was not unlike the 2016 U.S. Presidential race : an underdog with great propaganda and an exuberant personality rose from the bottom to prosper over his opponents. Matthew Story, my good friend and former World History II classmate (don’t even get me started on what being in that class with him was like), became our victor. Considering this is my Senior year, I think it’s only fitting that I (and the rest of the student body) get to know our new president and all of the plans that he has for Country Day. 


Q: For all of our readers who don’t know you personally, how do you think your close friends would describe you? 


A: "Determined. Bold. In some ways, insensitive. Basically, willing to do anything to get to my end goal. The quote by George S. Patton comes to mind, “Do your damnedest in an ostentatious manner all the time.”


Q: Who is your role model in relation to leadership? 


A: "There are a lot. Julius Caesar: he was a populist who fought for his lower class constituents. I am a big admirer of Andrew Jackson, too, he was an orphan as a child, and went through a lot of troubles to get where he did. FDR: he took us through a major time of hardship." 


Q: Who is your style inspiration?  


A: "Two people: Raymond Reddington, who is portrayed by James Spader on the show "The Blacklist," and Raul Silva in "Skyfall." Not a good person, but dresses very well. "


Q: How did you first decide that you wanted to run for Study Body Pres.? 


A: "In MUN, there was a lot of talk of who would be the next president, and I didn't feel that it would be fair for me to have a second term. At Morning Meetings, I seemed to be received positively. It was always something that I was really interested in, and I decided to go for it."


Q: What are your first impressions of your new role? 


A: "There are a lot of responsibilities, but most of the hard things are the majority of the small meetings and events. The Senate has been extremely receptive. For instance, we've moved beyond the house system and we've cut a lot of the smaller programs and we're going to try to plan bigger, more effective events that have an impact on the Country Day community."


Q: What are some of your goals for the future? What are some things you’d like to see change? 


A: "Practical applications of the Senate: basically, I want to formalize the Senate a little bit more and make the community know what we are actually doing. Take more firm actions in regulating the things we are supposed to govern. Giving better food: not pancake week, that is way too much Bisquick. Regulating the clubs properly is important to me as well. Besides that, sharing good quotes at Morning Meeting and inspiring people."


Q: Anything else you’d like to add? 


A: "The speeches are going to be fun next year. I'm looking particularly forward to the first day of school next year. Contact me if you have any suggestions for quotes, but other than that I plan on sticking to my path."


If nothing else, the next year is definitely going to be an interesting one, filled with great military leaders’ quotes, large gesticulations and a very well dressed representative. Godspeed and good luck, Matthew. To the rest of the Student Body, I hope we take our new, strident leader and make 2018-2019 the best school year yet (with, of course, the best Senior class ever). 

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